Semi Open Adoption

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Adoption provides an opportunity to continue pursuing the life goals and dreams you have. Adoption is an opportunity to move forward with your life while also seeing your child live out their potential in the family you choose for them.

When you are considering an adoption plan, understand you do have options! Some choose to have an open adoption where they can stay connected. Others choose to have a closed adoption where all information on both sides is completely confidential. Others may choose a mixture of both, called a semi-open adoption.

Let’s discuss semi-open adoption

A semi-open adoption is a blend of an open and closed adoption. Semi-open is the most common type of adoption plan made between birth parents and adoptive families.

The third-party agency or attorney handles the exchange of information throughout the adoption process. This sets boundaries for ongoing involvement when the birth mother is ready for interactions with the adopted child. At times, the birth parent may want less information or involvement with the adopted child for a variety of reasons. A semi-open adoption creates the environment for healthy boundaries and is a completely normal request when going through the adoption process and post-placement.

A semi-open adoption can become an open adoption if both parties agree to the arrangement. Leaning on advice from trusted family and friends can be helpful when deciding on an adoption plan. When establishing your adoption plan, it is a good idea to discuss all of these possibilities with your adoption attorney, social worker, or adoption professional. If you need help finding a reputable adoption agency, Real Options does have referrals.

Ultimately, you’re in control.

You may have heard the lie that adoption is a “selfish choice,” but please know that could not be further from the truth. Adoption is an amazing and brave alternative to abortion or parenting. It can be a beautiful journey for both birth and adoptive families.

The most empowering part is that you are in control. With adoption:

  • You focus on your needs.
  • You pick the type of adoption and family you are most comfortable with.
  • You get support as many adoption agencies have lifetime counseling for birth mothers.
  • You can have peace of mind for optimal mental health.
  • You can have all your medical expenses met.

Does semi-open adoption not seem like the right choice for you? Learn more about open adoption and closed adoption on our website.

Resources: What Is A Semi-Open Adoption?
American Adoptions: What Is Semi-Open Adoption? Semi-Open/Mediation Adoption – The Best of Both Worlds
Hear from brave birth mothers who made an adoption plan: